Cee’s Black & White Photo Challenge: Flowing Water

Here are my pictures for Cee’s Black & White Photo Challenge: Flowing Water.

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My husband and I had one of the best Parisian baguette sandwich lunches with our daughter sitting on a park bench, soaking up the sun, facing this magnificent “Fountaine Monumentale”  located in the large garden in “Jardin du Mail” in Angers, France.

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And as we strolled through town we came upon these three other fountains and many more, each beautiful in their own way and I took too many pictures to include them all.


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In the Loire Valley, the pathways along the Maine River were impassable as the river overflowed it’s banks but behind the trees the parking lot is full of cars as it’s Sunday, and the town shops and businesses are closed today, so everyone is out walking in the park with their families. Despite that most of the parkland was underwater we could still manage to walk along the trails through the park and enjoy the watery views.



And, this random photo of a mother with her daughter enjoying the waves at the lake on a cold day.  I submitted this one just because I loved how this picture captured a blessed moment in time.

Hope you enjoyed my take on this b&w photo challenge for “Flowing Water”.

Please check out all the other great photography submissions go to:




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