Flower of the Day: Poinsettia

The “FOTD” or “Flower of the Day photo Challenge” is all about bringing a little beauty
and colour into our daily lives through flowers.  My photo submission this holiday season is the Poinsettia.
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When you bring this beautiful tropical plant home for the Christmas season place it in a warm, sunny window where it can get a fair amount of sun.
Check your poinsettia every couple of days to see if the soil feels dry and water it well. Let the water drain out the bottom, but make sure your plant is not sitting in the water. Make sure that you water whenever the soil feels dry and if your house is very dry you may have to water it every day.  This plant would like to be misted if you have the time.

To be safe they do suggest you keep your plant out of reach of your young children and pets.  If the leaves are ingested, they can cause nausea and possible vomiting, but it would take consuming a large amount to cause poisoning.

Last year my poinsettia plant lasted until April so I moved the plant outside for the summer where it thrived and I brought it back in this fall when the weather turned colder but to date it has not re-bloomed.  To get your plant to re-bloom involves many steps and time when the plant is in the dark which I have not tried.  If you have given this a try please let me know how it turned out for you.

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Remember to follow Cee’s Photography blog to get your weekly reminders.

Cees Photography Flower-of-the-Day

see other entries  https://ceenphotography.com/2018/12/21/fotd-december-22-2018-poinsettia/

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